The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society

Presentation information


Computational Theories

[1P] Brain-Machine Interface

Wed. Jul 29, 2020 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Poster Session

[1P-258] Estimation of prosthetic retinal stimulating electrode from cortical response by machine learning

*Tomomitsu Miyoshi1, Tomoyuki Naito2, Kento Hashizume2, Ryota Imai3, Takeshi Morimoto4, Takashi Fujikado3 (1.Dept Integrat Physiol, Grad Sch Med, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan, 2.Lab Cogn Neurosci, Grad Sch Med, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan, 3.Grad Sch Front Biosci, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan, 4.Dept Adv Visual Neurosci, Grad Sch Med, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan)

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