The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society

Presentation information


Sensory System 

[2P] Somatosensation

Thu. Jul 30, 2020 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Poster Session

[2P-082] Decreased mechanical response of cutaneous nociceptors in TRPV2-deficient mice

*Toru Taguchi1,2, Yuki Katanosaka3, Kimiaki Katanosaka4 (1.Dept Phys Ther, Niigata Univ of Health and Welfare, Niigata, Japan, 2.Inst Hum Mov Med Sci, Niigata Univ of Health Welfare, Niigata, Japan, 3.Cardiovasc Physiol, Grad Sch Med Dentist Pharmaceut Sci, Okayama Univ, Okayama, Japan, 4.Dept Biomed Sci, Coll Life Health Sci, Chubu Univ, Aichi, Japan)

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