The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society / The 1st CJK International Meeting

Session information


H. Disorders of Nervous Systems and Treatment

[1O13a-1] Neurodevelopmental Disorders etc

Wed. Jul 28, 2021 4:40 PM - 5:40 PM Room13 (2B, No.2 Bldg., Exhibition Hall)

Chairperson: Hitoshi Hashimoto, MAKOTO SATO (Osaka University)

4:40 PM - 4:55 PM

〇Kota Tamada1,2, Keita Fukumoto2, Tsuyoshi Toya3,2, Nobuhiro Nakai1,2, Janak Awasthi4,2, Shinji Tanaka5, Shigeo Okabe5, Francois Spitz6, Toru Takumi1,2,4 (1.Grad Sch Med, Kobe Univ, Chuo, Kobe, Japan, 2.RIKEN CBS, Wako, Saitama, Japan, 3.Grad Sch Pharma Sci, Keio Univ, Minato, Tokyo, Japan, 4.Grad Sch Sci and Eng, Saitama Univ, Sakura, Saitama, Japan, 5.Grad Sch Med, Univ of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan, 6.University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA)

5:10 PM - 5:25 PM

〇Kei Hori1, Kunihiko Yamashiro1, Esther S.K Lai2,3, Ryo Aoki1, Kazumi Shimaoka1, Nariko Arimura1, Saki F Egusa1, Asami Sakamoto1, Manabu Abe4, Kenji Sakimura4, Takaki watababe3, Naofumi Uesaka5, Masanobu Kano3, Mikio Hoshino1 (1.National Institute of Neuroscience, NCNP, Japan, 2.Brain Mechanism for Behavior Unit, OIST, Japan, 3.Grad Sch Med, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 4.Dept. Animal model development, Brain Res Inst, NIigata Univ, 5.Grad Sch Med and Dent Sci, TMDU, Japan)



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