The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society / The 1st CJK International Meeting

Presentation information


A. Development and Regeneration

[1O11m-2] Neurogenesis and Gliogenesis 2

Wed. Jul 28, 2021 10:05 AM - 10:50 AM Room 11 (3B, No.2 Bldg., Exhibition Hall)

Chairperson: TAKEHIRO KUSAKABE (Konan University), KOHEI HATTA

10:05 AM - 10:20 AM

[1O11m-2-01] Molecular profiling of glial ependymal cells of the Ciona larval nerve cord by single-cell transcriptomic analysis

〇Miku Sotani1, Nanako Okawa1, Maho Yamamoto1, Takeo Horie2, Kouhei Oonuma1, Takehiro G. Kusakabe1 (1.Inst Integr Neurobiol, Konan Univ, Kobe, Japan, 2.Shimoda Mar Res Ctr, Univ of Tsukuba, Shimoda, Japan)

Keywords:ascidian, central nervous system, glia, single-cell transcriptome

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