The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society / The 1st CJK International Meeting

Presentation information


G. Learning and Cognition

[1P] Decision Making

Wed. Jul 28, 2021 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM Poster & Exhibition (1F, No.2 Bldg., Exhibition Hall)

[1P-094] The neural basis of social decision based on evaluation of others'intentions and social contexts

〇Jingkang ZHAO1, Shingo Tanaka2, Mengxuan Zhao5, Tetsuya Matsuda4, Keisuke Kawasaki2, Atsuhiko Iijima3,1, Isao Hasegawa2 (1.Dept of Electrical & Information Engineering, Grad Sch of Sci & Tech, Niigata Univ, Niigata, Japan, 2.Dept of Physiology, Sch of Med, Niigata Univ, Niigata, Japan, 3.Sch of Health Sciences, Faculty of Med, Niigata Univ, Niigata, Japan, 4.Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa Univ, Tokyo, Japan, 5.Grad Sch of Med & Dent Science, Niigata Univ, Niigata, Japan)

Keywords:Theory of Mind, Executive Function, Computational Model, fMRI

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