The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society / The 1st CJK International Meeting

Presentation information


C. Sensory System

[2P] Olfaction and Taste

Thu. Jul 29, 2021 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM Poster & Exhibition (1F, No.2 Bldg., Exhibition Hall)

[2P-029] Cell-typing of prodynorphin and preproenkephalin mRNA-expressing neurons in the mouse olfactory tubercle

Industry-Academia Collaboration Presentation

〇Koshi Murata1,2, Kazuki Kuroda1,2, Yugo Fukazawa1,2,3 (1.Division of Brain Structure and Function, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui, 2.Life Science Innovation Center, University of Fukui, 3.Research Center for Child Mental Health Development, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui)

Keywords:olfactory tubercle, dynorphin, enkephalin, dopamine receptor

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