○Makoto Osanai1,2,3 (1. Osaka University, 2. CiNet/NICT, 3. Tohoku University)
Session information
[1S10m] Toward fundamental technologies to decipher brain functions from the causal cycle of parts and the whole
Tue. Aug 1, 2023 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM Room 10 (Meeting Room 4)
Organizer: Kazuhiro Sakamoto (Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Tohoku Medical & Pharmaceutical University), Hajime Mushiake (Department of Physiology, Tohoku University School of Medicine)
○Hiroaki Wagatsuma1 (1. Kyushu Institute of Technology)
○Yuanyuan Guo1 (1. Tohoku University)
○Ayako M. Watabe1 (1. The Jikei University School of Medicine)
○Tetsu Tanaka1 (1. Grad Sch Biomed, Tohoku Univ, Sendai, Japan)