The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society

Session information

Luncheon Seminarminar

[2LS05] What discoveries can single-cell spatial analysis by CosMxTM SMI bring to brain research?

Wed. Aug 2, 2023 11:55 AM - 12:45 PM Room 5 (Sakura 2)

Chairperson: Toshihide Yamashita (Dept of Molecular Science, Osaka University)

Sponsored by NanoString Technologies, Inc.

In an aging brain, cells that stop working yet refuse to die may play a role in dementia—making them key targets for future medicines. Prof. Orr discovered cells associated with tau gene by using GeoMx and CosMx spatial analysis at the region-of-interest and single-cell levels, demonstrating potential treatments for Alzheimer's disease in National Geographic, January 2023. Now Spatial solutions is featured technology in brain neural research field and it will take your research to new heights and unprecedented biology.




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