○Akiko Hayashi-Takagi1 (1. RIKEN CBS)
Session information
[3S03m] New trends in psychiatric pathophysiology approaching from a cross-disorder approach.
Thu. Aug 3, 2023 8:45 AM - 10:45 AM Room 3 (Hagi)
Organizer: Ryota Hashimoto (NCNP), Akiko Hayashi-Takagi (RIKEN CBS)
Although single disease concepts such as schizophrenia and depression have been thought to be distinct based on diagnostic criteria such as the DSM, there is increasing evidence that there is a continuum of individual psychiatric disorders. Using a cross-disorder approach, it is important to identify vulnerabilities common to multiple disorders and, in contrast, the essential biological phenomena of individual disorders. This symposium will present the importance and recent findings of cross-disorder research on psychiatric disorders from different perspectives: human brain imaging, human symptomatology, iPSC technology and genomic medicine, and animal models.
○Kenji Tanaka1 (1. Keio University School of Medicine)
○Daisuke Koshiyama1 (1. Department of Neuropsychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
○Koichiro Watanabe1 (1. Kyorin University School of Medicine)