Session information
[4S07m] Retinal information processing: new insights into old questions with modern systems neuroscience tools
Fri. Aug 4, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Room 7 (Shirakashi 2)
Organizer: Hiroki Asari (Epigenetics and Neurobiology Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Italy), Wei Wei (Department of Neurobiology, University of Chicago, USA)
Despite a long history of retinal research, it remains unclear how the retina processes and carries visual information to the brain. The recent advent of large-scale experimental and computational tools has been revolutionizing the research field, enabling us to study and gain new insights into the structure and function of the retina at unprecedented resolutions. Besides those recent findings, this symposium will focus in particular on what the remaining key questions are in the retinal field and how to address them in the coming years.
○Katrin Franke1 (1. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, US)
○KEISUKE YONEHARA1,2,3, Akihiro Matsumoto1,2,3 (1. National Institute of Genetics, 2. The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, 3. DANDRITE, Dept of Biomed, Aarhus Univ, Denmark)
○Mie Gangi1, Makoto Kaneda1 (1. Nippon Medical School)
○Wei Wei1 (1. The University of Chicago)
○Hiroki Asari1 (1. European Molecular Biology Laboratory)