The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society

Presentation information


I. Cognitive Science, Computational Theories and AI

[1Pm] Others

Tue. Aug 1, 2023 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Poster Room (Exhibition Building)

[1Pm-131] Development of machine learning-based algorithm to segment the hippocampal CA2 area

○Yuki Takeuchi1, Kotaro Yamashiro1, Asako Noguchi1, Jiayan Liu1, Shinichi Mitsui2, Yuji Ikegaya1,3, Nobuyoshi Matsumoto1,3 (1. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2. Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Gunma University Graduate School of Health Sciences, 3. Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:machine learning, hippocampus, CA2, U-Net

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