The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society

Presentation information

Late-Breaking Abstracts

H. Disorders of Nervous Systems

[2Pa] Movement Disorders

Wed. Aug 2, 2023 4:20 PM - 5:20 PM Poster Room (Exhibition Building)

[2Pa-178] Quantitative analysis of acuumulative amount of neuronal activity in mice with post-stroke spasticity using activation-injucing manganese-enhanced MRI

○Sachiko Lee-Hotta1, Shogo Isumi1, Takuto Hanasaki1, Hirohito Kan1, Makoto Osanai2 (1. Grad Sch Med, Nagoya university, Aichi, Japan, 2. Grad Sch Med, Osaka university, Osaka, Japan)

Keywords:AIM-MRI, spasticity , stroke, MdV

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