The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society

Presentation information


J. Technology innovations and Others

[2Pm] Brain-Machine Interface

Wed. Aug 2, 2023 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Poster Room (Exhibition Building)

[2Pm-138] Development of an optical brain-machine interface based on multi-area activity

○Konosuke Kitajima1, Akinori Y Sato1, Kentaro Ibuka1, Kei N Ito1, Ryosuke F Takeuchi1, Fumitaka Osakada1,2,3,4 (1. Grad Sch Pharm, Univ of Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan, 2. Inst for Adv Res, Univ of Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan, 3. Inst of Nano-Life-Syst, Univ of Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan, 4. Inst for Glyco-core Res, Univ of Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan)

Keywords:Brain-machine interface, Wide-field Ca2+ imaging, Volitional modulation, Plasticity

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