The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society

Presentation information


H. Disorders of Nervous Systems

[3Pm] Aging

Thu. Aug 3, 2023 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Poster Room (Exhibition Building)

[3Pm-117] Involvement of Neurodegenerative Processes in the Pathogenesis of Postoperative Cognitive Impairments of Aged Mice

○Yoshikazu Nikaido1,2, Yota Tatara3, Tetsuya Kushikata2, Kazuyoshi Hirota2,4,5 (1. Dept Metabolomics Innov, Grad Sch Med, Hirosaki Univ, Hirosaki, Japan, 2. Dept Anesthesiology, Grad Sch Med, Hirosaki Univ, Hirosaki, Japan, 3. Dept Stress Response Sci, Centr Adv Med Sci, Hirosaki Univ, Grad Sch Med, Hirosaki, Japan, 4. Dept Perioper Med Community Health, Hirosaki Univ, Grad Sch Med, Hirosaki, Japan, 5. Dept Perioper Stress Manag, Hirosaki Univ, Grad Sch Med, Hirosaki, Japan)

Keywords:Aging, Postoperative cognitive impairments, Neurodegeneration, Hippocampus

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