2022 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA2022)


Regular Sessions

[B3L-E] R2-3

2022年12月13日(火) 13:00 〜 14:40 Room E (Zoom 4)

Chair: Hikaru Hoshino (University of Hyogo)

13:00 〜 13:20

[B3L-E-01] Spatiotemporal Chaotic Characteristics with Multidimensional Inputs in Echo State Networks

*Takahiro Iinuma1, Sou Nobukawa2 (1. Chiba Institute of Technology, 2. Chiba Institute of Technology, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)

キーワード:Echo State Network, Multidimensional Input, Synchronization, Reservoir Computing, Recurrent Neural Network

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