The 84th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Japan・The 68th AEZ annual meeting

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

[PG01] ポスター発表(一般A:コアタイム2)

Fri. Mar 29, 2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Sakura (Regular) (Sakura)

[PG01-48] 渓流の光環境と水生生物群集-物質代謝の視点から-

◯Mayumi Yoshimura1, Tayoko Kubota1 (1. FFPRI)

It is desirable to convert planted riparian forests to broadleaved forests from the perspective of biodiversity conservation. However, these measures are almost never discussed from the viewpoint of changes in the light environment in the stream. In previous research, analysis of how the light environment changes affect the abundance of algal and algae-eating aquatic invertebrates showed that diatom blooms and the population of Gammaridae require continuous, gentle and bright light, such as sunlight filtering through trees, rather than intense light. The fact that the abundance changes depending on the light environment means that the stream ecosystem itself will also be changed depending on the light environment. Therefore, we investigated the effects of changes in the light environment on the metabolism of aquatic organisms, using stable isotope ratios. We found a tendency of change in metabolism according to the light environment. Analysis is currently underway, but some of the findings are presented here.