Presentation information

Oral Sessions

O2. Transmission Systems and Subsystems

[MB1] Nonlinear Transmission

Mon. Jul 8, 2019 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Room B (409+410, 4F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)

Presider: Takeshi Hoshida (Fujitsu Limited, Japan)

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

[MB1-1] Nonlinearity Compensation in Modern Submarine Networks


〇Eduardo F. Mateo1, Fatih Yaman2 (1NEC Submarine Network Division, Japan, 2NEC Laboratories America., USA)

Keywords:Core network and subsystem, Transmission impairments and their mitigation

This paper reviews the state of nonlinearity compensation technologies. Performance, complexity, and new techniques, such as neural-network NLC, are discussed in the context of modern submarine networks.

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