
Oral Sessions

O5. Optical Passive Devices and Modules

[ThE1] Free Space Optics and Emission Control

2019年7月11日(木) 09:00 〜 10:30 Room E (413, 4F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)

Presider: Yuya Shoji (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

10:00 〜 10:15

[ThE1-4] Asymmetric Multifunctional Metadevice for Focusing, Vortex and Bessel Beam Generation

〇Jing Luan, Minming Zhang (Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, China)

キーワード:Optical Passive Devices and Modules , Micro- and nano-optics and related devices

We here propose a kind of asymmetric multifunctional metadevice consists of three important parts, which can realize different optical functionalities based on the polarization and illumination direction of incident beam.

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