Presentation information

Oral Sessions

O4. Optical Active Devices and Modules

[ThF1] Semiconductor Lasers

Thu. Jul 11, 2019 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM Room F (412, 4F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)

Presider: Hideki Yagi (Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Japan)

9:15 AM - 9:45 AM

[ThF1-1] Ultra High-Speed Quantum-Well Semiconductor Lasers for Data-Center and 5G-Wireless


〇Kazuhisa Uomi (Lumentum, Japan)

Keywords:Semiconductor lasers, Advanced Active Devices

Evolution of ultra high-speed quantum-well semiconductor lasers (MQW-DMLs and MQWEA/ DFBs) with breakthrough technology for data-center and 5G-wireless are fully reviewed from pioneer research up to 100GbE/400GbE application, including challenge and advanced approaches for 800GbE and beyond.

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