
Poster Sessions

Poster Sessions

[TuP4-B] Poster Session 1

2019年7月9日(火) 16:00 〜 17:30 Room H (2F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)

16:00 〜 17:30

[TuP4-B4] Optical QPSK Signal Generation based on the Circular Trajectory of Phase-Shifted Optical VSB Modulation using High-pass Hilbert Transformers

〇Daichi Sato1, Kariyawasam Indipalage Amila Sampath2, Katsumi Takano1 (1Yamagata Univ., Japan, 2Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan)

キーワード:Advanced Modulation, Coding and Multiplexing, Advanced modulation and demodulation

To achieve optical QPSK signal with narrower bandwidth, we proposed the scheme using circular field trajectory of phase shifted optical VSB modulation with highpass Hilbert transformation. Minimized EVM can be obtained by optimum Hilbert transformation.

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