
Poster Sessions

Poster Sessions

[TuP4-E] Poster Session 1

2019年7月9日(火) 16:00 〜 17:30 Room H (2F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)

16:00 〜 17:30

[TuP4-E11] Silicon Waveguide Polarization Beam Splitter Using Reversed Δβ Coupler Structure

〇Hideaki Okayama, Yosuke Onawa, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Daisuke Shimura, Hiroki Yaegashi, Hironori Sasaki (R&D Center Oki Electric Industry, Japan)

キーワード:Si photonic and heterogeneous platform, Advanced Passive Devices, Optical polarization control devices, polarizer, rotator, polarization beam splitter, wavelength plates

We report a directional coupler type polarization beam splitter using silicon waveguides. Waveguides with different widths are placed near to each other and the widths are exchanged in the middle of the coupler to construct a reversed Δβ structure.

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