Presentation information

Oral Sessions

O2. Transmission Systems and Subsystems

[WB3] Optical Signal Processing

Wed. Jul 10, 2019 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Room B (409+410, 4F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)

Presider: Ning Deng (Huawei, China)

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM

[WB3-2] 1.4μm-1.6μm Wavelength Conversion Using Multiple Quasi-Phase Matching LiNbO3

〇Saroeun Punhavan1, Masato Kato1, Keisuke Sugiyama1, Masaki Asobe1, Takeshi Umeki2, Koji Enbutsu2, Takushi Kazama2, Takahiro Kashiwazaki2, Ryoichi Kasahara2 (1Tokai Univ., Japan, 2NTT Corporation, Japan)

Keywords:Optical signal processing techniques for optical communications

Taking advantage of multiple quasi-phase matching conditions for second harmonic generation and difference frequency generation processes, we proposed wavelength conversion and amplification of new wavelength range in a single LiNbO3 waveguide device.

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