12:00 〜 12:30
[WG2-4] Low-Latency Error-Prone Optical Networks for Fast Approximate Computation on High-End Datacenters
キーワード:Advanced photonics technologies for computing & big data applications , Massively parallel and high-performance super computing
Cutting-edge application becomes deep learning, big-data processing, the approximate computation for NP-hard problems rather than exact scientific computation on large parallel computers including high-end datacenters and supercomputers. Such emerging applications are typically subject to various kinds of numerical errors, which do not lead to execution failure. The author presents error-prone interconnection networks optimized for these emerging applications. Our interconnection networks provide high bandwidth and low latency at the sacrifice of accuracy. Existing interconnection networks provide almost error-free message transfer by detecting and correcting bit errors, while we do not. Interestingly, some emerging applications work on our errorprone interconnection network with a significant speedup.
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