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Poster Sessions

Poster Sessions

[WP4-C] Poster Session 2

Wed. Jul 10, 2019 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Room H (2F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

[WP4-C10] Prediction of Modal Dispersion of High-Order Mode from Wavelength Dependence of the Mode Field Radius

Masaharu Ohashi, 〇Tomoya Kawasaki, Hirokazu Kubota, Yuji Miyoshi (Osaka Prefecture Univ., Japan)

Keywords:Fiber characterization and measurement techniques

A simple expression for modal dispersion of high-order mode is derived. Chromatic dispersion of the LP11 mode in a few mode fiber (FMF) is also successfully estimated with an accuracy of less than 1 ps/km/nm.

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