
Poster Sessions

Poster Sessions

[WP4-C] Poster Session 2

2019年7月10日(水) 15:00 〜 16:30 Room H (2F, Fukuoka International Congress Center)

15:00 〜 16:30

[WP4-C4] Novel Optical Time Domain Reflectometry with Continuous Time-Domain Measurement of Backscattered Light

〇Shiro Ryu, Takafumi Tsuboya, Hiroki Murata, Daisuke Fukushima (Meiji Univ., Japan)

キーワード:Fiber sensing

Novel optical time domain reflectometry with two light sources which are frequency swept synchronously is proposed. Experimental results have shown that the method makes it possible to measure the backscattered light continuously in time domain.

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