The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology

Session information

Practical Education Seminar

learning disability

[JKS3-1] Practical Education Seminar 3
The Second Osaka Medical College LD Clinical Seminar

Wed. Jun 14, 2017 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM Room No.6 (10F Conference Room 1009)

Among developmental disorders defined in the DSM-V , it is difficult to dull understand learning disorder (LD) and share its concept among medical professionals compared with autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Although it has been determined that learning problems should be addressed in educational settings such as schools, reasonable considerations are now legally required and medical professionals are required to assess the cognitive factors underlying learning difficulties in children before making a diagnosis.
Pre-congress participants will receive lectures on 1) the effects of developmental disorders on learning, 2) developmental dyslexia, and 3) tests for the diagnosis of learning disorder. In post-congress group discussion, participants will have hands-on experience on diagnosis, examination, and guidance through simulated cases, to which they can apply the learned lecture content. The aim of the seminar is to raise awareness of participants regarding factors responsible for learning difficulties in children, how to use these factors for diagnosis and support, and ultimately how to use this knowledge in actual clinical practice.
(Please note that the contents of this seminar are identical to those of the first LD Clinical Seminar, which has already been held.)