The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology

Session information


neuromuscular disease

[SJKK1] 12th Childhood Myasthenia Gravis Conference

Sat. Jun 17, 2017 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM Room No.8 (10F Conference Room 1006-1007)

Chair:Keiko Ishigaki(Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Women's Medical University, School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan), Masatoshi Hayashi(Department of Pediatrics, Uwajima City Hospital), Yoshiko Nomura(Yoshiko Nomura Neurological Clinic for Children), Yuji Inaba(Pediatric Immune-mediated Neuromuscular Diseases Study Group)

Astellas Pharma Inc.

Please Come and Join us!!

To update the knowledge and to enhance the interests on the clinical and basic sciences on Childhood Myasthenia Gravis (MG), this conference was started in 2006 by Dr. Masaya Segawa, Dr. Noriaki Shinomiya, Dr. Masatoshi Hayashi, and Yoshiko Nomura. The Astellas Pharma Inc. has been giving the generous joint sponsorship.
This conferences have been taken place at the time of Annual Meeting of Japanese Child Neurology Society, and this year in conjunction with the Meeting.

It was the early 1970th that the age of onset of MG in Japan was found to show two peaks with the highest in childhood, particularly younger than 3 years of age. These childhood MG in Japan was shown to be associated with specific HLA.
The immunological background of the childhood MG is unique, often showing to be seronegative. The pathophysiology of the childhood MG is still much to be clarified.

The theme of the conference this year is ‘Seronegative MG’.
Masaharu Takamori, Emeritus Professor, Kanazawa University and Emeritus Director of Neurological Center, Kanazawa-Nishi Hospital, and Dr. Keiichi Himuro, JR Tokyo General Hospital, Department of Neurology, are the special lecturers this year.

Please come and join us in this important opportunity to learn and to share.