15:30 〜 16:00
*Kerry Vahala1 (1. California Institute of Technology)
Oral Presentation
2019年4月22日(月) 15:30 〜 17:00 511+512 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)
Session Chair:Nathan Newbury(National Institute of Standards and Technology)
15:30 〜 16:00
*Kerry Vahala1 (1. California Institute of Technology)
16:00 〜 16:30
*Minglie Hu1 (1. Tianjin University)
16:30 〜 16:45
*Yan Wang1, Haochen Tian2, Dong Hou3, Fei Meng1, Yuxuan Ma1, Hao Xu1, Franz Kärtner4, Youjian Song2, Zhigang Zhang1 (1. Peking University, 2. Tianjin University, 3. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 4. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
16:45 〜 17:00
*Takashi Kato1,2, Megumi Uchida2,1, Yurina Tanaka1,2, Kaoru Minoshima1,2 (1. The University of Electro-Communications, 2. JST, ERATO MINOSHIMA Intelligent Optical Synthesizer (IOS))