OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2019



Oral Presentation

Oral Session 8

2019年4月25日(木) 15:15 〜 17:00 411+412 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

15:30 〜 15:45

[LEDIA-8-02] Focusing Grating Coupler for AlN Deep UV Waveguide SHG Device

*Yoshiki Morioka1, Shuhei Yamaguchi1, Kanako Shojiki2, Yusuke Hayashi3, Hideto Miyake2,3, Keishi Shiomi1, Yasufumi Fujiwara1, Masahiro Uemukai1, Ryuji Katayama1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 2. Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University, 3. Graduate School of RIS, Mie University)