OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2019



Oral Presentation

Active Remote Sensing (Industrial and Atmospheric Applications)

2019年4月25日(木) 09:30 〜 10:30 316 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chair:Takashi Fujii(The University of Tokyo)

09:30 〜 10:30

[LSSE-4-01] Multi-wavelength laser control of high-voltage discharges: From the laboratory to Säntis mountain

Thomas Produit1, Guillaume Schimmel1, Elise Schubert1, Denis Mongin1, Ali Rastegari2, chengyong feng2, Ben Kamer2, Ladan Arissian2, Jean-Claude Diels2, Pierre Walch3, Benoît Mahieu3, Yves-Bernard André3, Aurélien Houard3, Clemens Herkommer4,5, Robert Jung4, Thomas Metzger4, Knut Michel4, André Mysyrowicz6, Jean-Pierre Wolf1, *Jerome Kasparian1 (1. University of Geneva, 2. University of New Mexico, 3. ENSTA ParisTech, 4. TRUMPF Scientific Lasers GmbH, 5. TU Munchen, 6. André Mysyrowicz Consultants)