OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2020



Poster Presentation

Poster Session

2020年4月22日(水) 10:30 〜 12:00 Hall A (Exhibition Hall)

[LSCp-04] Grazing incidence x-ray diffraction spectroscopy of non-irradiated and D-ion plasma-irradiated bulk ZnO single crystals

Melvin John Fernandez Empizo1, *Erick John Carlo De Guzman Solibet2, Myles Allen Hermoso Zosa1, Verdad Canila Agulto1, Yuki Minami1, Kohei Yamanoi1, Toshihiko Shimizu1, Allan Abraham Bustria Padama3, Vallerie Ann Innis Samson4, Armando Soriano Somintac2, Roland Villano Sarmago2, Arnel Angud Salvador2, Nobuhiko Sarukura1 (1. Osaka University, 2. University of the Philippines Diliman, 3. University of the Philippines Los Baños, 4. Department of Science and Technology)