OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2020



Oral Presentation


2020年4月22日(水) 14:15 〜 15:00 313+314 (Conference Center)

Alfred Baron (RIKEN)

14:45 〜 15:00

[XOPT5-03] Exploring new frontiers in online spectrometry at SwissFEL

*Pavle Juranic1, Yunieski Arbelo1, Jens Rehanek2, Christopher J. Milne1, Jakub Szlatchetko3, Alexander Malyzhenkov1, Eduard Prat1, Eugenio Ferrari1, Philipp Dijkstal1, Simona Bettoni1, Sven Reiche1, Luc Patthey1 (1. Paul Scherrer Institut, 2. Advanced Accelerator Technologies, 3. Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)