10:25 〜 10:50
*Hantao Ji1,2, Lan Gao2, Geoffrey Pomraning1, Kentaro Sakai3, Fan Guo4 (1. Princeton University, 2. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 3. National Institute for Fusion Science, 4. Los Alamos National Laboratory)
HEDS2024 » Oral Presentation
2024年4月24日(水) 10:25 〜 11:45 311+312 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)
Session Chair: Lee Suttle (ICL)
10:25 〜 10:50
*Hantao Ji1,2, Lan Gao2, Geoffrey Pomraning1, Kentaro Sakai3, Fan Guo4 (1. Princeton University, 2. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 3. National Institute for Fusion Science, 4. Los Alamos National Laboratory)
10:50 〜 11:15
*Jiayong Zhong1 (1. Faculty of arts and sciences, Beijing Normal University)
11:15 〜 11:30
*Yongli Ping1 (1. Beijing Normal University)
11:30 〜 11:45
*Olivier Zabiolle1, Stephane Branly1, Florian Mollica1, Franck Falcoz1, Anna Golinelli1, Pierre-Mary Paul1 (1. Amplitude Laser)
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