OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


ALPS2024 » Oral Presentation

Novel optical devices, materials, structure and applications (2)

2024年4月26日(金) 13:15 〜 14:30 511+512 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chair: Koichi Okamoto (Osaka Metropolitan University)

13:45 〜 14:00

[ALPS31-02] Optical properties and luminescence control of Ag/TiO2 stacked metasurfaces using out-of-plane quadrupole resonance

*TienYang Lo1, Shunsuke Murai1, Katsuhisa Tanaka1 (1. Kyoto University)

In this study, we experimentally and numerically elucidated the optical properties of a bilayer metasurface system exhibiting out-of-plane quadrupole resonance characteristics and demonstrated the potential for bilayer metasurfaces system in directional light source applications.

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