OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


BISC2024 » Oral Presentation

Session 10

2024年4月26日(金) 13:30 〜 15:15 419 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chair: Mitsuhiro Morita (Kobe University)

14:30 〜 14:45

[BISC10-03] Diagonal deconvolution for diagonally-scanned light-sheet microscopy

*Tom Vettenburg1, Laurynas Valantinas1 (1. University of Dundee)

Airy beam light-sheet microscopy enables non-invasive imaging of large specimens with subcellular resolution. Samples larger than the working distance could be imaged by scanning them at 45° to the detection axis, though this hampers image reconstruction. We demonstrate a scalable, memory-efficient deconvolution algorithm for diagonal-scanned fluorescence light-sheet microscopy.

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