OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


LDC2024 » Oral Presentation

Imaging / Lighting 2

2024年4月26日(金) 09:30 〜 10:30 301 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chair: Yasuaki Kumamoto (Osaka University), Sunao Kurimura (National Inst. for Materials Science)

09:30 〜 10:00

[LDC12-01(Invited)] Super-resolution microscopy for volumetric samples using nonlinear fluorescence responses via stepwise excitation

*Kenta Temma1,2 (1. Dept. of Applied physics, Osaka university, 2. Dept. of Neurosurgery, Graduate school of Medicine, Osaka University)

Super-resolution microscopy surpassed the classical diffraction limit of optical microscopy. However, most of the techniques endure their ability only near the surface of the samples. We developed super-resolution techniques using nonlinear fluorescence responses that localize within the focus and suppress background signals, allowing the observation of internal structures ranging from a single cell to cell clusters.

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