OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


LDC2024 » Oral Presentation

Imaging / Lighting 1

2024年4月25日(木) 11:00 〜 11:30 301 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chair: Eiji Hase (Tokushima University)

11:00 〜 11:30

[LDC9-01(Invited)] Quantum photon sources for sensing and imaging

*Sunao Kurimura1, Ryo Okamoto2, Shigeki Takeuchi2 (1. NIMS, 2. Kyoto University)

Quantum photon source is demonstrated by specially designed quasi-phase matching (QPM) device. Fabrication technologies such as electron beam lithography and super-resolution patterning were applied. Broad spectrum from chirped periodic structure improved depth resolution up to 0.54 um in two-photon-interference sensing.

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