OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


LEDIA2024 » Short Oral Presentaion

Short Presentation

2024年4月24日(水) 11:25 〜 12:37 211+212 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

12:17 〜 12:21

[LEDIA-SP-14] Investigation of conversion efficiency of different Ga oxidants in OVPE-GaN growth

*Tsubasa Nakazono1, Shigeyoshi Usami1, Masayuki Imanishi1, Tomoaki Sumi2, Junichi Takino2, Yoshio Okayama2, Mihoko Maruyama2, Masashi Yoshimura3, Masahiko Hata4, Masashi Isemura5, Yusuke Mori1 (1. Grad. School of Eng., Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 2. Panasonic Holdings Corporation, Osaka, Japan, 3. ILE, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 4. Itochu Plastics Incorporated, Tokyo, Japan, 5. Sosho-Ohshin Incorporated, Osaka, Japan)

We investigated the behavior of N2O as the gallium oxidants, which has not been explored before, to achieve high partial pressure of Ga2O for the high-speed OVPE-GaN (gallium nitride) growth.

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