OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


LEDIA2024 » Short Oral Presentaion

Short Presentation

2024年4月24日(水) 11:25 〜 12:37 211+212 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

12:25 〜 12:29

[LEDIA-SP-16] Vacancies in III-Nitrides (II): Diffusion near Hetero Interfaces

*R. Shimauchi1, Y. Kangawa1,2, A. Kusaba1,2 (1. Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, 2. Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University)

Atomically flat heterointerfaces are required to fabricate high-brightness and long-lifetime optical devices such as LEDs and LDs. In this presentation, the deterioration mechanism of sharp heterointerfaces due to vacancy diffusion is discussed.

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