OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


OMC2024 » Oral Presentation

Session 13

2024年4月26日(金) 15:30 〜 17:05 418 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chair: Takashige Omatsu (Chiba University)

16:00 〜 16:15

[OMC15-02] Microstructure formation by two-photon polymerization reaction
using a focused femtosecond optical vortex

*Yoshihisa Matsumoto1, Kyoko Masui1, Chie Hosokawa1 (1. Osaka Metropolitan University)

We demonstrate the fabrication of microstructures using the two-photon polymerization reaction of photocurable resins with a femtosecond optical vortex to clarify the transfer mechanism of orbital angular momentum of the optical vortex to materials.

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