OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024

Presentation information

OMC2024 » Oral Presentation

Session 6

Wed. Apr 24, 2024 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM 418 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chair: Kyoko Namura (Kyoto University), Xiaodi Tan (Fujian Normal University)

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

[OMC8-04] Fabrication of helical polymeric structures using an optical vortex

*Kenta Homma1, Yasushi Tanimoto2, Kyoko Masui2, Ryosuke Isobe1, Yoshihisa Matsumoto2, Chie Hosokawa2, Takashige Omatsu3, Michiya Matsusaki1 (1. Osaka University, 2. Osaka Metropolitan University, 3. Chiba University)

Helical structures are abundant in our body. Yet, the effects of helical structures on tissue functions remain elusive. Herein, we utilized an optical vortex to fabricate biocompatible polymeric scaffolds with helical structures via photo-initiated radical polymerization chemistry. Helical scaffolds may provide a novel means to investigate how helical structures affect tissue functions.

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