OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


OWPT2024 » Oral Presentation

Session 7

2024年4月25日(木) 13:30 〜 15:00 304 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chair: Gen-ichi Hatakoshi

13:30 〜 14:00

[OWPT7-01(Invited)] C-band Multi-Junction Photonic Power Converters: AI Techniques for Optimized Designs and Role of Luminescent Coupling

*Karin Hinzer1, Robert F. H. Hunter1, D. Paige Wilson1, Gavin P. Forcade1, Meghan N. Beattie1, Christopher E. Valdivia1, Oliver Höhn2, Louis-Philippe St-Arnaud1, David Lackner2, Yuri Grinberg4, Mathieu de Lafontaine1, Carmine Pellegrino2, Jacob J. Krich1, Alexandre W. Walker3, Henning Helmers2 (1. University of Ottawa, 2. Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, 3. Advanced Electronics and Photonics Research Centre, National Research Council of Canada, 4. Digital Technologies Research Centre, National Research Council of Canada)

Photovoltaic devices containing InGaAs absorbers, lattice matched to InP, have shown excellent performance in many applications. We have developed a machine learning empowered computational framework to explore design space for optoelectronic devices. We present results on 1-junction to 10-junction devices. Luminescent coupling effects increase when devices have a back reflector.

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