OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


TILA-LIC2024 » Oral Presentation

Laser Sources - 1

2024年4月24日(水) 14:30 〜 16:00 315 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chair: Nicolaie PAVEL (National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics - INFLPR, Magurele, Romania)

15:15 〜 15:30

[TILA-LIC4-03] Output Pulse Control of CW-Pumped Nd:YVO4/Cr:YAG Microchip Laser

*Rakesh Bhandari1, Shota Sekiguchi1, Xiaomin Wang1, Tadashi Hajikano1, Yuichi Takushima1 (1. Optoquest Co. Ltd.)

We report, for the first time, control of the output-pulse-energy characteristics of a CW-pumped, high-repetition-rate Nd:YVO4/Cr:YAG microchip laser, by using the large reduction of the stimulated emission cross-section of the Nd:YVO4 crystal on increasing its temperature.

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