OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


XOPT2024 » Oral Presentation


2024年4月25日(木) 10:55 〜 11:55 313+314 (Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center)

Session Chair: Jumpei Yamada (Osaka University)

10:55 〜 11:10

[XOPT7-01] Multibeam ptychography: nanoimaging at macro scale

*Mikhail Lyubomirskiy1, Tang Li1, Maik Kahnt2, Ken Vidar Falch1, Roman Zvagelsky3, Thomas L Sheppard3, Martin Wegener3, Pablo Villanueva Perez4 (1. DESY, 2. MAX IV, 3. KIT, 4. Lund University)

X-ray multibeam ptychography speeds up measurements of extended samples utilizing so far wasted photons. Until now, the major challenge was performing it with higher energies of the incident beam and with many beams (>3). This work shows the practical implementation of multibeam ptychography with 12 beams and up to 20 keV of irradiating beam energy.

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