OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2024


XOPT2024 » Poster Presentation

XOPT Poster Session

2024年4月24日(水) 10:30 〜 12:00 Hall A (Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall)

[XOPTp-03] Development of high-precision electroformed Wolter mirror for X-ray telescope

*Shutaro Mohri1, Shunsuke Ito1, Satoru Egawa1, Hiroto Motoyama1, Guo Jianli1, Gota Yamaguchi2, Takehiro Kume3, Yusuke Matsuzawa3, Hidekazu Takano2, Yoshiki Kohmura2, Makina Yabashi2, Hidekazu Mimura1,2 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. SPring-8, RIKEN, 3. Technology Center, Natsume Optical Corporation)

We newly developed the figure correction apparatus for the master mandrel to improve the figure accuracy of Wolter mirror equipped as imaging optics in FOXSI-4 project. The imaging performance of Wolter mirror fabricated with the mandrel was evaluated at BL29XU, SPring-8. HPD of EEF was 4 arcsec and 17 arcsec when X-ray of 12 keV was applied to the machining area, and the non-machining area, respectively.

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