4:15 PM - 4:39 PM
Emiko Mihara1, Nozomi Nakamura1, Hidenori Hirai2, Hiroaki Suga3, ○Junichi Takagi1 (1. Inst. Protein Res., Osaka Univ., 2. MiraBiologics Inc., 3. Grad. Sch. Science, Univ. Tokyo)
Thu. Mar 26, 2020 4:15 PM - 6:15 PM [Room W] Annex Hall 2 (1F)
Organizers: Akiko Ishii-Watabe (NIHS), Atsushi Yonezawa (Dep Clin Pharmacol Therap, Kyoto Univ Hosp, Grad Sch Pharm Sci, Kyoto Univ)
Biopharmaceuticals such as therapeutic antibodies are expected to show efficacy not achieved by conventional small molecule drugs, and have continued to evolve as drugs that meet unmet medical needs. Japan had been behind in the development of therapeutic antibodies, however, new trends are emerging in product development, training for manufacturing and quality control, and research in personalized medicinal treatment, because the expansion of products and their indications became them more important in clinical field.
Recent topics include the increase in the products originated in Japan, and establishment of the Biologics Research Training Center. With the diversification of products, pioneering results on personalized medicine, which will be important in this field, are being obtained. In addition, standardization of fundamental technologies is also progressing in regulatory science research that links advanced technologies with drug development and implementation in post-approval phase.
In this symposium, development of innovative biopharmaceuticals, education of human resource for manufacturing and quality control, regulatory science, and clinical research for personalized medicine are presented.Then the latest trends related to development and clinical implementation of biopharnaceuticals that can be expected to contribute from Japan to other countries including Asia in a new era will be discussed.
4:15 PM - 4:39 PM
Emiko Mihara1, Nozomi Nakamura1, Hidenori Hirai2, Hiroaki Suga3, ○Junichi Takagi1 (1. Inst. Protein Res., Osaka Univ., 2. MiraBiologics Inc., 3. Grad. Sch. Science, Univ. Tokyo)
4:39 PM - 5:03 PM
○Hiroyuki Sonoda1 (1. JCR Pharmaceuticals)
5:03 PM - 5:27 PM
○Kazuhisa Uchida1 (1. BCRET)
5:27 PM - 5:51 PM
○Akiko Ishii-Watabe1 (1. NIHS)
5:51 PM - 6:15 PM
○Atsushi Yonezawa1,2, Kazuo Matsubara2 (1. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University, 2. Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Kyoto University Hospital)
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