The 140th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Kyoto)

Session information


[S46] Encouragement for studying abroad

Sat. Mar 28, 2020 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM [Room C] Room B-2 (2F)

Organizers: Yuuta Fujikawa (Tokyo Univ Pharm Life Sci), Atsushi Nakayama (Tokushima Univ Grad Sch Pharm Sci)

This symposium follows those related to "studying abroad" held during the 138th and 139th annual meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. At these earlier symposiums, speakers from different academic fields gave talks on drug discovery at the 138th meeting and shared their diverse experiences of studying abroad (because of their gender, position, chosen country, and research field) at the 139th meeting. However, most Japanese pharmaceutical students do not consider the idea of studying or working abroad; instead, they work as domestic pharmacists or work for pharmaceutical companies in Japan. At the current symposium, the talks that will be given by four speakers on their experiences of working or studying abroad as a pharmaceutical student, postdoc, business person, and pharmacist provide an opportunity for pharmaceutical students and pharmacists to realize the importance of going abroad to expand their knowledge and viewpoints. Further, the speakers will also discuss the future expectations of stakeholders of pharmacy in Japan from their own experience. We hope this symposium would be helpful for both students and pharmacists so that they can consider the option of studying or working abroad as a career choice that would benefit them immensely.

休憩 (2:33 PM - 2:41 PM)




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