The 140th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Kyoto)

Presentation information

Oral Presentation

(A) Organic Chemistry

[26J-am] 医薬品設計・構造活性相関①

Thu. Mar 26, 2020 9:00 AM - 11:36 AM [Room J] Room J (2F)

Chair: Mizuki Watanabe, Takaaki Sumiyoshi

10:12 AM - 10:24 AM

[26J-am07S] Design and synthesis of carborane-based PPI controlling agents by mimicking peptide binding epitopes

○Yasunobu Asawa1,2, Atsushi Yoshimori3, Kentaro Yamada4, Shao Yujie5, Li Guangzhe5, Akira Katoh4,6, Hiroyuki Kouji4,6, Hiroyuki Nakamura1 (1. Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Tech., 2. School of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Tech., 3. ITM, Inc., 4. Faculty of Medicine, Oita Univ., 5. Dalian University of Technology, 6. Oita University Institute of Advanced Medicine, Inc.)

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