The 140th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Kyoto)

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

(A) Organic Chemistry

[27P-am] ケミカルバイオロジー②/医薬品設計・構造活性相関②/

Fri. Mar 27, 2020 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM [Room P] Event Hall (1F)

9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

[27P-am023] Structural development of type 1 ryanodine receptor inhibitors based on a quinolone structure

○Shuichi Mori1, Hiroto Iinuma1, Noriaki Manaka1, Mari Ishigami-Yuasa1, Nagomi Kurebayashi2, Takashi Murayama2, Hiroyuki Kagechika2 (1. Inst. Biomat. Bioeng., Tokyo Med. Dent. Univ., 2. Department of Parmacology, Juntendo Univ. School of Medicine)

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