趣旨説明:岩谷 靖雅1,2(1. 国立病院名古屋医療セ臨床研セ,2. 名大院医) (1:15 PM - 1:20 PM)
Session information
[S24] Research frontiers on viral infection and antiviral therapy: Cross-sectional approach toward drug discovery and development
Sun. Mar 28, 2021 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM [Room H] Oral Presentation H (Online)
Organizer: Iwatani Yasumasa (NHO Nagoya Med. Ctr.), Misumi Shogo (Global Ctr. Natural Resources Sci., Kumamoto Univ.), Tamamura Hirokazu (Inst. Biomat. Bioeng., Tokyo Med. Dent. Univ.)
The rapid global spread of Covid-19 (Coronavirus disease-2019) threatens us in Japan as well as people in the world. The causative pathogen is a new class of coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2). In early 2020, we faced difficulties in diagnostic detection, clinical management and drug therapy for Covid-19. In these situations, various cross-disciplinary information of basic science is needed, especially to develop new therapeutic drugs and vaccines through drug repositioning. Therefore, now is the perfect time to revisit cross-sectional studies on antiviral mechanisms that are common in different virus species. Last year, the “antiviral research frontier” group planned a symposium based on this concept, although the actual lectures were unfortunately canceled. Therefore, we rearranged this session that consists of two major topics: antiviral metal-chelating inhibitors and therapeutic drugs/vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. We hope that the session helps many scientists to discuss widely across different virus species as well as to further develop novel antiviral drugs through cross-disciplinary studies of antiviral mechanisms.
1:20 PM - 1:42 PM
○Tyuji Hoshino1 (1. Grad. Schl. Pharm. Sci., Chiba Univ.)
1:42 PM - 2:04 PM
○Takeshi Noshi1 (1. Shionogi & Co., Ltd.)
2:04 PM - 2:26 PM
○Yoshio Hayashi1, Sho Konno1, Kiyotaka Kobayashi1, Wataru Kamitani2, Toshiya Senda3, Miki Senda3, Masaki Kojima4, Yoshiyuki Shirasaka5 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Pharm. and Life Sci., 2. Gunma Univ. Graduate School of Medicine, 3. IMSS, KEK, 4. Tokyo Univ. of Pharm. and Life Sci. , 5. Kanazawa Univ. Faculty of Pharm. Sci.)
2:26 PM - 2:48 PM
○Wataru Akahata1 (1. VLP Therapeutics Japan, LLC)
2:48 PM - 3:10 PM
○Yasumasa Iwatani1,2 (1. NMC Nagoya Med. Ctr., 2. Nagoya Univ. Grad. School of Med.)
まとめ:三隅 将吾(熊大院薬グローバル天然物科学研究セ) (3:10 PM - 3:15 PM)